GMAT Prep Course online

July 16, 2016


Most colleges require that students pass a GMAT test prior to being accepted into an MBA program. This timed test measures an individual’s ability to understand business concepts, which increases a student’s chances of mastering all aspect of business management.

Sections of the exam

The GMAT test consists of four separate timed units. These are as follows:

• Verbal – This section of the exam focuses on reading comprehension, critical reasoning and sentence correction. There are 41 questions in this section, and the time limit is 75 minutes.
• Quantitative – This 37-question section allows 75 minutes and focuses on problem solving and data sufficiency.
• Integrated reasoning – There are 12 questions in this section, with 30 minutes to complete questions involving multi-source reasoning, table analysis, two-part analysis, and graphics interpretation.
• Analytical writing assessment – This portion of the exam gauges understanding of analysis of argument. There is a 30 minute time limit for this one-topic section.


GMAT prep course

Since this examination is so in-depth and critical to being allowed admittance into an MBA program, advance preparation is recommended. This is why there is a GMAT prep course that you can take. There is also online tutoring, one-on-one tutoring, books and online studies, recommendations and more. The GMAT prep course can prepare students for the GMAT exam, so they will feel confident. The GMAT prep course can be taken online, but for students who prefer in-person courses, those are available as well.

Kinds of questions to expect

The specific questions on the GMAT test will vary, but the GMAT prep course provides students with practice questions, so they will know exactly what to expect on the exam. The more prepared a student is, the more likely he or she is to do well and pass with a high score that will guarantee MBA program admission.


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